Easter in Bolzano between Family and Local Traditions

Easter in Bolzano between Family and Local Traditions
Bolzano looks its best at Easter, with a burst of flowers and colors decorating every corner of the city center and green spaces. From parks like the ones in Cappuccini, Petrarca, Ducale, and Semirurali, just to name a few, to the walks along the Talvera river, Guncina, and Sant’Osvaldo, the city is blooming with colorful flowers.
Pastel shades dot the bright green meadows and the slopes of the surrounding mountains, while in homes, Easter traditions continue as people decorate the so-called Osterbaum, the Easter tree, made of flowering branches adorned with colorful eggs.
Plants and geraniums also start to make an appearance on balconies and terraces. Beyond the city’s revitalization of its green spaces, where locals relax at outdoor tables to enjoy the first warm spring sun, families with children celebrate traditional Easter customs passed down through generations.
For example, on Palm Sunday, in many homes, the last person to wake up in the morning is nicknamed "Palmesel," meaning "the donkey of the day," while on Easter Sunday, children have a fun task they eagerly take on: searching for chocolate eggs hidden by the Easter bunny overnight. For the lucky ones with a garden, the search is more challenging, with eggs or small baskets containing treats or toys hidden among the bushes.
But these aren’t the only gifts awaiting the children; it is also a widespread custom for godparents to give a sweet bread shaped like a bunny to boys and a hen to girls. Some traditions, however, unite both adults and children, like painting hard-boiled eggs and placing them in a beautifully decorated basket for a ritual game of "Eierpecken" or "Eierguffen!"
The rules of the game involve two players tapping their eggs against each other, trying to break the shell of their opponent’s egg, first at the tips and then at the round sides. The winner is the one who manages to keep their egg intact while collecting the broken eggs of their opponents.
Image: Hand-painted boiled eggs, a symbol of Bolzano's Easter tradition, Courtesy of Manuela Tessaro